In the Bible, a witness is basically someone who sees something important or amazing. In Hebrew, this person is an eid and in Greek a mártus. And if this person begins to share what they’ve seen, we call this “bearing witness”, in Hebrew, uwd, and in Greek, martureo.

By Two’s meet 9:00 a.m., Saturday (7/22/23) morning at Whitaker Gateway Park for Bible Study.

By Two’s normally arrives early at the park to sit on the swing and sing to ABBA. While sitting on the swing, By Two’s heard the Spirit of the Living God say it’s time to get up. By Two’s left the swing and started walking alongside the bay.

As By Two’s was walking alongside the bay, we noticed a man with no shirt on, sitting next to a fence. As we got closer, the man asked By Two’s what is our name? By Two’s said my name is I AM.

By Two’s said to the man that there’s warm bagels at the gazebo that Sister Yazmin brought for the group, come up and get some. The man immediately walked towards the gazebo and reached into the bag and got a warm bagel. As more brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus arrived at the Bible Study, the man told some of the brother’s his name was Joe. By Two’s went to the back of Brother Jeff truck and got bottles of water out of his cooler and gave the man a bottle of water.

By Two’s thanked God because Brother Jeff came today with his music speaker for us to sing aloud to God. Before Brother Jeff played the first song, he asked everyone to close their eyes and mediate on the song. The first song Brother Jeff played was “His Name Is Jesus by Jeremy Riddle.”

Though By Two’s eyes were closed our ears were opened and we heard odd voices from Joe therefore, By Two’s open their eyes and noticed that those odd voices were demons talking. Jesus’ name is so powerful that every time those demons heard His name is Jesus, they got irritated.

Brother Jon and Brother Jeff gathered around Joe to pray over him to force those demons out. However, By Two’s said ABBA then was moved by the Holy Spirit to lay one hand on Joes head and the other hand on Joes back. By Two’s felt the Holy Spirit releasing those demons out of Joe. Today, By Two’s declare and decree that Joe is sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. This miracle Jesus performed today reminded By Two’s of Mark Chapter 5:1-20 – A Man with an Unclean Spirit

His Name is Jesus Lyrics
(We enthrone You, Lord)
(Be enthroned upon our praise tonight, God)
(Be magnified, oh King)

There’s only One strong enough to save
There’s only One who overcame the grave
There’s only One who’s worthy of all praise

And in His hands, the keys of death and hell
And in His name, a power that can heal
And by His blood, our sins are washed away

His name is Jesus
His name is Jesus
His name is Wonderful
Counselor, Almighty God!

Nations kneel
And glorify the Lord!
Let all the earth
Tremble for He comes!
And He will judge the living and the dead!
The Son of Man coming on the clouds
With trumpet sound and every knee will bow
And tongue confess the Name above all names!

His name is Jesus
His name is Jesus
His name is Wonderful
Counselor, Almighty God!
His name is Jesus
His name is Jesus
His name is Wonderful
Counselor, Almighty God!


His name is Jesus
His name is Jesus
His name is Wonderful
Counselor, Almighty God!
His name is Jesus
His name is Jesus
His name is Wonderful
Counselor, Almighty God!

(Praise You)
(Praise Your holy, holy, holy Name)
(The Name truly above every other name)
(The Name high and exalted)
(The Name of all power and authority)
(Over sickness, darkness, disease)
(All manner of ailment, over suicide)
(All hail the name of Jesus)
(All bow before the name of Jesus)
(All hail the name of Jesus)

We worship You
We give our lives to You
We sing out
We cry out
We worship You
We give our lives to You
Yes, we sing out
Yes, we cry out

His name is Jesus
His name is Jesus
His name is Wonderful
Counselor, Almighty God!
His name is Jesus
Counselor, Almighty God!

Mark 5
1 And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes.
And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit,
Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains:
Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him.
And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.
But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,
And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.
For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.
And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.
10 And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country.
11 Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding.
12 And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.
13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.
14 And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done.
15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.
16 And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine.
17 And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts.
18 And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him.
19 Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.
20And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel.